Comments on (250) 412-3819

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 7 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 7 total complaints

Comments on (250) 412-3819

Sample complaints we have found for (250) 412-3819


We get a call from the same number the first time was on may 11th at 7:18pm then the 12th at 11:19am, 16th at 11:01am, 17th at 12:12 & 7:24, 18th at 11:35am, May 19th at 1:09, I had their number blocked today but have never been able to get through with either a text msg or a phone call!


who r u


They have called three times, NEVER leaves a one else seems to know why in the hell they wont just give up!

Wayne McMann

Constantly calls and hangs up.  Really makes me want to find them and do a Chretien on them.


They call three times a day and hang up when you answer. I have just blocked the number , hope it works. They should be shot!!


Same, they have called 3 times in the past 2 days. No one says anything?  What is this? Super ennoying!

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