Comments on +1 1889533183

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Comments on +1 1889533183


Posted on June 19, 2018
Caller type: Robocall
Location: United States
Caller: Could have been instigated by Twitter

The robo-call, from this bogus number, threatened to cut off my internet service because it alleged that people in several countries had taken offense to my Internet Address. It comes just two (2) hours after Twitter declared a Tweet I had made, citing 8 U.S. Code Subsection 1325 Improper Entry (into the USA) By An Alien, to be in violation of their Hate Speech against someone due to their race, ethnicity, etc. (I'm Hispanic, by the way, lol). It could have also been instigated by Michelle Obama, since she was one of the people on the "thread" where I placed my tweet. It was objecting to calling Illegal Aliens "criminals"- even though US Laws classify Illegal Aliens as criminals, as do MEXICAN IMMIGRATION LAWS regarding foreigners who enter Mexico Illegally. Their laws are much tougher than US Laws, by the way. Pray for this country. Leftists are turning it into Fascist Nightmare where even CITING A LAW becomes "hate speech". Sigh.
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